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Page 357 Poem "Making Moves" Ch.1 the Virtue of Humor

Poem Page 357

Making Moves ~ Paula Zahn aka Pleasure Zeal – News Anchor Courtly Character #143

On my chair with my fingers Typing the words, not from my mind

But from my heart lingers Make moves combined mothers entwined

Hold only thoughts of love and success, and you are assured of only attracting love and success in Return With every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun.

You can be true or just question yourself What if you are a false and or mankind…?

Tactful Language Always needed to help oneself and or Others…

Bracelets like or of Importance and or to tattoo my or a name make moves and or dance like the Waltz or be like Streaming Rain in Life

As if…Printed Engraved from our own or your on Heart Truthfully is that where it came from

Tactful Language Always Needed Make a Move Make a Move Make Moves Today is your day Paint life in bold colors set today’s rhythm with your heart-drum walk today’s march with courage Create today as your Celebration of Life

Negative Drill Language Blind Can and may hurt the Heart and Mind

Are you My Language of Choice Opinion or Remarks Love Debate Precision a simple must

No Earmarks No Pork Barrel Spending Special Interest Female H20 Love Impetus Sainthoods of Care

Freedom to Express Personal Tactful Thoughts of Thoughts Ideas Beyond Trust No Guessing

Discord Faction or Hatred Fiction be-careful what you think…?

Your words can produce Action Link or Links

Thoughts of Satisfaction…What is best for the entire Human Race…?

Becoming One People Laws of Natural Natured Needed Attraction Making Moves the Human Race with us…? Is the Human Race with us….? Long Live Moves and or Heat

Hard work puts you where Good Luck can find you

Live. Let Live. & Just Let it be Purposeful Positive Progress if you don’t know thy needs…

Love Peace and Harmony Love Quality Love Education Love Your Experience Love Growth

One Life One God One Love One Destiny Love Royalty Love Maturity Love Science

Work from the Heart with the Highest Integrity Love Quality needs Quality needs Quality

Always Improve Your Quality a Consistent Timing Progress Stimulus Always Improves Work Action

Making Moves or Tapping Don’t hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.

" The key to education is the experience of beauty." - Friedrich Schiller

Thoughts for Today: "The truth is that there is nothing noble in being superior to somebody else. The only real nobility is in being superior to your former self." — Whitney Young, American civil rights leader (1921-1971)

Author’s Comments

The doing is usually more important than the outcome. -Tennis Player Arthur Ashe


It is wonderful to be in one the creation of the something, see it used, and then walk away and smile at it. --Lady Bird Johnson Widow of President Lyndon B. Johnson ~ 36 U.S. President (1963–1969) Lady Claudia Taylor Lady Bird #44 Pg.1487


Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, tasking risks, improving rules, mistakes happen, learning, having fun, making love, loyalty, integrity, being true and making moves. Quality love always loves and goes on…

~ Nature Call Nature Code Call Code Nature Call Code Natural Call Name ~

~ Queen Cleopatra Caroline Bio Courtly 795 Clementine II (Born: July 18, 1981 too…) Pg.17 more than a Signature #59


Quality Love Words of Wisdom Heart Psalm Recipe #10: A loving heart makes everything awesome…


Quality Love Give & Receive Words of Wisdom Enlightenment Clarification Point Recipe #8: The love we give away is the only love we keep. -Elbert Hubbard


Disney Fairy tale Longevity Living Truism Element #15: The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. ~ The Lion King is Disney


Can you give me directions to your heart…I seem to be lost in your unforgettable thoughts…Everything looks almost perfect except your prospecting lips and lying thighs…be the reason behind someone’s smile…for ours are not touching…Huh…?

~ End of the Date Line When your Married


Togetherness, for me, means teamwork...

~ Walt Disney more than a Love Word Line


Master P “ Make Em Say Uhh ” or Steven Curtis Chapman “Warrior”



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