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Page 366 Poem "Family is Navigation" Ch.2 Communication the Book of Tactful Humor the Virtue of Cour

Poem Page 366

Bill Nelson #127 aka Beta Navigation ~ Family almost Quatrain #70 Pg.1542

Someone you love someone who cares, someone who can remember the good times

Not the bad times Prepare

Someone who can remember you laughing sunshine that Stays not Strays more than Sometimes

The family Circle Blue Skies Sweet Kisses near misses never Fade Love and Care

If you can…As if

Don’t remember me crying, remember me laughing, As If not to Buy or Try

To be strong, not to be weak and to never cry, Sniff

In the spring remember me as the happy things like the sun, birds and the bees, why,

The flower and the cheerful blue sky and or skies,

Don’t remember the bad times or things, transition, tradition, security addition

Remember Sunshine, Blue Skies, Hot Springs Rainbow Skies Bubbles and Heat Healthy Babies, and or our mission on my and or our minds to be Wise

Rainy Days, Gloomy Showers, Windy Days better than the 4 of July Sunshine and Ambition

The Family Circle affair Remember me Laughing Don’t Remember me Crying

Utopia Impetus Circle Preside Percept Precept Teaching and or Coaching Cheerleading Love Affairs and or Affair

Family Better and or Bravo Better Needs Alpha Omega Needs Windy Days Rainbow Gaze Never Go away Applying

Falls Autumn Spring’s Summer Family Love and the Best Navigation Surest Win and or Wind Winning Ways and or Liquid Air or the Lord’s Prayer Replenish and or Nurture

Author’s Comments

It is simply easier to remember the good and great than the bad time. It is more efficient.

~ Saint Bernard II #9 Pg. 15 (Born: July 9, 1972)


National proclamation statement all humans need to exercise two hours a day.

~ Janet Reno 1st Female Attorney General (1993-2001) Courtly #812 Bio

(Born: July 21, 1936 ) ~ As I promised-History Musical C.D.


Don’t Pee on my leg and tell me, it’s raining: America’s toughest family Court Judge speaks out…

~Judge Judith Sheindlin #834 (Born: October 21, 1942)


Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.

~ Scott Adams Social Satirist (Born: June 8, 1957)


Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. ~ Lauren Bacall #615

(Born: Betty Joan Perske New York City, New York September 16, 1924 – passed August 12, 2014)


Live in each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, grow in positive experience positive maturity always flourishes.

--Henry David Thoreau (born July 12, 1817—May 6,1862) Revised #20 Pg.1483 is Bio Info


Affirmation Self-Esteem Declaration Element Recipe #7: If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it. -William Ward


Love Words of Wisdom Small Things Clarification Point Element Recipe #13: Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. — Mother Teresa 1910-1997, Albanian Born Roman Catholic Missionary #41 Pg.1487


Tactful Humor Biblical Raising Point Recipe #9: {30:11} Give him no liberty in his youth, and wink not at his follies. ~ What book is this in the Real Bible…? {10:31}


How many ways can you love without touching...? When love is your foundation and your life is rooted in faith, there is no need for comparison. Love does not envy Rays of Light

~ Creativity Benefits Love and the Prepared Foundation of mind inTouch of a Family Line


I know. I may not understand, but sometimes, I need more than to more than understand May every sunrise hold more promise and every sunset hold more peace…

~ 293 Irina Lazareanu Supermodel Flow and Catch Pitch and Throw of a Line


The Artist is Keb ‘Mo’ The Song is “She Just wants to dance…”


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