Pg.1452 What the Future Holds for us Ch.20 Romance the Virtue of Love & Joy
Page 1452
What the Future Holds for us
Tomorrow will come the present is promised Never be alone Prone to discovery and the unknown What the future hold for us is promise
I'm willing to try this but maybe you're not Maybe we'll like it, let's give it a shot
But let's throw ourselves in and get soaking wet Don't just sip your toes in,
Do your best to keep your home in order Life of bliss shared moments Roll Call
Don't tell me that you're kind of into' it Cause I just wanna be, wanna be, wanna be
I need to feel it to know that you mean it From the bottom of your soul let me know
Abashment’s feeling do to modesty no accident
Watching children playful growth acknowledgement of the imagination to Hold Heaven’s Grace Grow
Romantic spirit to be complete acquirement when you Come home from a long days work agreement to believe
Higher powers that care comfort assignment plan that leads to Caring, compassionate transformative future positive situation of the world
Patience virtue action’s aliment Wait and or Want Action of wit consignment Positive Impetus Motion and or Quality Love
WATER H20 Pure Love What the Future Holds……?
It's not enough for you simply to say it Instead of telling me words let me know
That you're positively mind and I'm positively yours for sure From the bottom of your heart let me know
I'm willing to show you the thoughts in my mind I'm willing to cut loose the ropes that tie
So tell me you're ready to dig in the dirt To show me the places where you haven't heard
Don't tell me that you're kind of into me 'Cause I just wanna be, wanna be…
I need to feel it to know that you mean it From the bottom of your soul let me know
But let's throw ourselves in and get soaking wet Don't just stick your toes in,
"No One has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us." ~ 1 John 4:12
Our Talents are Gifts from God what we do with them is our Gift back to God
Author’s Comments
Waiting with impetus action and being patient is an omnipotent force with positive peaceful impetus education. ~ Peace Evolution Impetus Proverb What the Future Holds
Television is the first truly democratic culture – the first culture available to everybody and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do or may want.”
--Clive Barnes
“MTV is the lava lamp of the 1980’s.” -Doug Ferrari
Life doesn’t imitate art, it imitates bad television.” ~ Woody Allen(born December 01, 1935)
In life we learn by imitation and association as we grow. It is our environment and the dominating force of choice and or sense that directs he or she…So it is somewhat biological DNA that plays the or a part. Choose your environments and friends wisely in the direction that makes you the happiest and or the best way to Go. ~ Behavioral Choice Psalm
What I’ve learned about marriage: You need to have each other’s back; you have to be a kind of team going through life. That’s beautiful–to have that kind of friendship.
—Tom Petty ( born October 20, 1950 )
My Anti-Aging Longevity Living Holistic Lifestyle Preventative Maintenance Youthful Aging Health Tip: Featured Preparation: Steaming…Keep the crunch with a little Steam.Red Potato Colcannon There are countless variations on this classic Irish potato-and-cabbage combination—ours is made with steamed red potatoes, sautéed cabbage and just a touch of butter.
Fear Sometimes is a Protection Device Needed Words of Wisdom: I don’t think being ‘Fearless’ means being a bullet-proof. It means feeling scared, then challenging yourself, and going ahead anyway. I see fear as something positive – it’s a challenge. My life isn’t normal. But my aim is to be normal in a abnormal situation. ~ 13 “Taylor Swift” Element Ingredient Personal Quote….
The Heart of a Positive Epigram Love Psalm Proverb: A Dash of wit and a jigger of wisdom, flavored with surprise makes for Wide Eyed... --Elbert Hubbard The Roycroft Dictionary Revised
I render my curtsy at this juncture able to raise your anticipation and willing to exceed your expectations. Pleasure melts in the mouth like M&M’s and or Dark Chocolate on time and or whenever even when two timing my double mint and or my peppermint recipes.…
~ Introduction Line to Friendship through Humor and Romance Line
Can I have a Kiss….? I promise I’ll Give it Back…. ~Date Night Line
The Wanted ~ Glad you Came
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